1<2020-02-27> How should we design a programming/modeling language?

  • A programming language interpreter is a program. Therefore, how should we design a program?
  • Because compilers/interpreters are programs, the principles of designing good compilers/interpreters must include the principles of designing good programs.
  • Compilers are excellent candidates for "pure" programs (data transformation with minimal state and side-effects).
  • Which of these?
    • Start with a small and reasonable language (such as arithmetic expression), and improve/minimize/generalize it while trying to preserve reasonability.
    • Start with requirements/constraints, including implementation requirements.
      • Resolve conflicting requirements.
    • Start with user's pain points.
      • Do not try to please everyone. First try to please yourself. Scratch your own itch.
        • But then the scope creeps into designing computer user interface/experience and not only a programming language!
    • A combination of them.
  • Nanopass has an interesting problem: designing/naming significant intermediate languages and keeping them stable.
  • When should we be concerned with implementation? Early, late, or never? What is the point of creating a programming language that cannot be implemented?
  • There are always problems. Sometimes the right solution is to redefine a problem as a deliberate consequence, a well-thought engineering trade-off, and be honest about it?

2<2020-02-27> Meaningful expressions with meaningless subexpressions

Here we are arguing for the laziest possible evaluation strategy.

If \( f(x,y) := x \), what should \( f(0, 1/0) \) be?

\( f(0,1/0) = 0 \)

\( f(1/0,0) = 1/0 \)

An expression is meaningful iff it has a meaning, that is, iff the expression is in the domain of the chosen semantic function.

\( 1/0 \) is an expression, although meaningless. It is OK syntactically, but not semantically.

Should a function evaluate its arguments? Both answers make sense. The language users are in a better position to answer that than the language designers are, so the language users should decide which of their functions evaluate their arguments and which do not. That is, those decisions should be made at language usage time, not at language design time.

Thus, a language should not be either applicative-order or normal-order; it should be all of them, programmer-defined evaluation order. If the programmer does not care about the order, then the language should choose the laziest evaluation order to maximize the meaningfulness of expressions with meaningless subexpressions.

But won't this make the language harder to analyze?

Aren't we reinventing Lisp fexprs here, with all its strengths and problems?

If an expression has a meaningless subexpression, should the entire expression be meaningless?


For example, the expression "\(1/0\) is meaningless" is meaningful although it has a meaningless expression.

Conversely, the expression "If X then Y" where X and Y are unrelated is perhaps meaningless although it has meaningful clauses.

What is the difference between "meaningless" and "false"?

A meaningful sentence is either true or false. A meaningless sentence is neither true nor false. But is the distinction between meaningfulness and meaninglessness even meaningful?

A meaningless expression does not necessarily poison its containing expression.

When does interpretation occur? When and where is meaning created?

Should we allow non-sensical expressions?

It is not illegal to write "colorless green ideas sleep furiously"; it is just meaningless. But it may be meaningful to some synesthetes! Thus the question is: meaningless to whom? Is the problem with the expression or the interpreter?

We can trivially totalize the semantic function by declaring that each previously meaningless expression now means itself. However, in practice, we often want errors to be raised as early as possible.

Example: ($x means evaluate x before calling the head of the expression being evaluated.)

(define (f x y) x) ;; callee does minimum evaluation
(define (g $x $y) x) ;; callee does maximum evaluation

(f 0 (/ 1 0)) ;; 0; caller does minimum evaluation
(f 0 $(/ 1 0)) ;; error, blame (/ 1 0)
(g 0 (/ 1 0)) ;; error, blame the y argument of g

;; How do we make this work?
;; Should we make this work?
(define x (cons 1 x))
(nth x 0)
(nth x 1)
(nth x 2)

But, in practice, Lisp programmers don't have much problem with the applicative order, so why are we making a big deal out of this issue?

3<2020-02-27> Idea: run time, compile time, language design time

  • Before run time, there is compile time.
  • Before compile time, there is language design time.

4<2020-02-09> Model-based development, transformation-oriented programming

5<2020-02-09> Alternative Lisp macros

  • expander-passing-style
  • fexpr

Lisp macros: expander-passing style They say "expansion-passing", but I think "expander-passing" is more suggestive. https://legacy.cs.indiana.edu/~dyb/pubs/LaSC-1-1-pp53-75.pdf

More flexible and powerful than conventional Lisp macros.



But who needs macros if we have model-driven development? We transform model (code that describes code) into code. We generate code.

Macros cons:

  • Macros complicate analysis.
  • Macro calls look like function calls but don't behave like function calls.

Macros are functions that take ASTs and give ASTs.

Macros are restricted program transformations.

Perhaps those who think macros are beautiful have never written a program analyzer.

Reader macros complicate parsing: the parser has to include the entire interpreter.

Lisp without macros; write program transformers https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14335360

6<2020-02-09> Unifying objects and functions

6.1Object = Value

In function programming, everything is a value.

In object programming, everything is an object.

Therefore, in an objectal-functional language, the set of values and the set of objects are equal.


Object ⊆ Value
Value  ⊆ Object
∴ Object = Value

6.2Object-as-function and function-as-object

Object as function: An object is a function : message → value.

Method as function: A method is a function : object × message → value.

Function as object: A function is an object that only understands an anonymous message.

This C++ type unifies method-calls, macros, and lambdas:

using Func = Value(World,Value);

We can apply evaluator-passing-style, similar to Dybvig–Friedman–Haynes 1988 expander-passing-style [2]1, but with no separation between expansion-time and run-time.

(Isn't this just Lisp fexprs?)


Key idea: The callee controls evaluation.

The essence of continuation-passing-style is that the callee controls evaluation. Normally, the caller controls evaluation. Which should control evaluation: the caller or the callee? Are there cases for both, or is one of them superior?

Remember that a Value can be a Pair (a cons cell, a list).

(f 0) ;; lambda
(m 0) ;; macro
(window set-visible true) ;; method call


Error subset Object
Thus Value = Value -> Value
Function = Value -> Value
but Function subset Value
Predicate = Object -> Boolean
Array = Nat -> Value
Hashtable = Value -> Value
eval : Value -> Value

6.3The compiled language and the interpreted language do not have to be the same language

The compiled language can be a subset of the interpreted language.

The freely-compilable subset is a subset of the language that can be compiled without having to have the compiler at runtime.


Dana Scott solved \( D^D = D \)? https://mathoverflow.net/questions/256870/relationship-of-lambda-calculus-to-the-rest-of-math

6.5Meta-object protocol?

Class = Object
  • get the methods understood by an object

  • relational

Value = Object = Relation = Predicate? Relation (multirelation) = Value -> List List subset Value (rel forall (x) (or (equal x john) (equal x mary))) (rel exists (x) (print (person x)) (fail))

7<2020-02-09> We should make a C parser/interpreter/transformer/compiler in Lisp

Create a Lisp sublanguage like this:

(defvar *parser*
    (token (or (keyword) (identifier) (constant) (string-literal) (punctuator)))

(interpret *parser* stream)


  • (and A B C) is sequence
  • (or A B C) is choice

Then translate Annex A ("Language syntax summary") of C11 standard draft into that Lisp sublanguage.

We should be able to interoperate with C because it is a common language.

S-expression representation of a rule?

C11 standard; syntax; Annex A; p. 74?

(pp-number (or
  ("." digit)
  (pp-number digit)
  (pp-number identifier-nondigit)
  (pp-number "e" sign)
  (pp-number "E" sign)
  (pp-number "p" sign)
  (pp-number "P" sign)
  (pp-number ".")

From that, generate:

(defun (parse-pp-number stream)
    (parse-digit stream)
    (parse-const "." stream)

8<2020-02-21> Generic functions vs message passing

Let a be an array. Let h be a hash-table.

The problem: we do not want array-get and hash-get.

We want to be able to replace an associative list with a hash table without changing the codes that use it.

Three solutions:

GET special form

Problem: user cannot extend (but we can DEFGET; but special forms are ugly; they complicate program analysis)

(get a 0)
(get h 'key)

GET generic function

Problem: requires type information; does not interact nicely with subtyping https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9544137/how-to-specialize-generic-function-for-subclasses-of-given-class

(get a 0)
(get h 'key)

GET message

Problem: less efficient (perhaps the least grave problem)

(a get 0)
(h get 'key)

9<2019-08-17> On programs and software

I find it easier to define "program" than to define "software".

Perhaps we should focus on programs instead of software. We can talk about computer programs without talking about software. After all, Tukey 1958 intended "software" to mean computer programs.

10<2020-02-15> A Lisp that unifies function application, macro expansion, and message passing

(macro exp ...)
(function arg ...)
(object command arg ...)
using Dispatch = void(World&, Value* result, Value& self, Value& args);

11<2020-02-16> Subtyping imposes order

Due to subtyping, the clauses of cond are not interchangeable.

  ((vectorp x) "vector")
  ((stringp x) "string"))

Is rearranging the program supposed to change its meaning?

Why does order matter?

Does computation require order?

In total functional programming, the evaluation order may change performance but does not change result.

Why is English grammar ordered? Why does "a dog bites a man" and "a man bites a dog" mean different things? Latin does not require this.

Why do the logical terms bite(man,dog) and bite(dog,man) differ?

Why does the verb create an asymmetry between the subject and the object?

12<2020-02-21> Source code should be optimized for what?

Source code may be optimized for reading, writing, or changing.

Implementation details should be optimized for change?

Interface should be optimized for reading?

13<2020-02-21> Do all Common Lisp implementations have unhelpful error messages?


14<2020-02-21> On quote and eval

It does not make sense that (equal (quote 1) 1) evaluates to false but (quote 1) evaluates to 1; how would equal evaluate its arguments!? Thus eval != unquote, and (quote x) evaluates to itself, i.e. (quote x).

But why should quote satisfy (quote x) != x for all x?

15<2020-02-21> On errors

An error is an unintended behavior, unexpected outcome?

Unintended behavior? How do we measure intention?

Error is like weed. They are subjective concepts. An error is an undesirable condition. Why are errors undesirable? Because they complicate programs.

We expect operating systems to run forever. We expect them to never err. We expect them to flawlessly reclaim the resources leaked by dead processes. We expect them to be stable in spite of badly written user programs.

An operating system has to prepare for the worst. Some difficult errors to recover from are out of disk space, out of memory, and disk failure. They tend to happen at the most inconvenient time.

Some errors such as stack overflow are fundamental assumption violations. The only sensible thing to do here is to produce diagnostics and abort the program.

Error handling has diminishing return. It pays off to handle common errors. It does not pay off to handle uncommon errors.

Error model:

  • cost incurred by the error when it happens in an unhandled manner
  • cost incurred by the error when it happens in a handled manner
  • cost of writing the code that handles the error; this should include the increased maintenance burden due to reduced readability
  • probability of the error to happen

Sometimes the cost is emotional and not monetary. It is hard to quantify emotional costs. But it is real. Users hate programs that crash.

Since 1726, an error is a "difference between observed value and true value".2

An error is a difference between what is and what should be.

Midori programming language34.

Is an error a side-effect? Both errors and side-effects are unintended.

Let \(f'\) be what we think a system does. Let \(f\) be what the system actually does. Then our error is \(f' - f\) which has to be equal to \(- (f - f')\). If each of \(f\) and \(f'\) is a logic formula in a structure with domain \(D\) and interpretation \(I\), then \(-\) is symmetric difference, and negation is made with respect to \(D\).

For example, we think the system implements \( a \). It turns out that the system implements \( b \). Then the error is \((a \wedge \neg b) \vee (b \wedge \neg a)\). Let each of \(a\) and \(b\) be a formula. Define their symmetric difference \(a - b\) as \((a \wedge \neg b) \vee (b \wedge \neg a)\), similar to set-theoretic symmetric difference5.

For example, we think the system implements \( x \mapsto x + 3 \). It turns out that the system implements \( x \mapsto x + 2 \). Then the error is \(x \mapsto 1\).

16<2020-02-21> Associations

A modeling language should expose associations.

Associations can be implemented as association lists or hash tables. Hash tables are implementation details.

Associations should also be applicable like lambdas/procedures/functions.

17<2020-02-21> Unifying interpretation and compilation?

M = semantic (a model)
interpret L1 : S1 -> M
interpret L2 : S2 -> M
compile L1 L2 : S1 -> S2
Semantic preservation constraint:
interpret L2 (compile L1 L2 s1) = interpret L1 s1

The processor is a hardware interpreter for machine-code language. All languages are interpreted! Hardware vs software interpreter

The compiler takes the interpreter's internal state at the time the compiler is called. The compiler itself is an interpreted procedure. But the compiler should not always be included in the output. But then the program cannot use eval.

read should not allow arbitrary evaluation. Otherwise the parser requires the whole interpreter!

interpret : Data -> Meaning

Data is interpreted into meaning Code is also interpreted into meaning Code is executable data?

18<2020-02-21> Intelligence = Correlation + Curiosity?

Curiosity must be built-in. Otherwise a baby would just sit idle.

The strength of the belief that X causes Y is modified by correlating X and Y over a short period of time.

Prediction = temporal correlation (correlation across time)

Pattern-recognition = spatial correlation (correlation across space)

Causation = correlation over short temporal distance

19<2020-02-21> What is a character?

The language does not define "character". There are no character strings; there are only buffers (byte strings).

The user is responsible for defining "character".

20Software research

This should be moved to the "Programming" section above.

20.1<2019-08-27> A direction for software engineering

Two things have to be addressed in software engineering: the lack of science, and the lack of tools.

Software engineering lacks an underlying branch of science. Remember that engineering is an application of science

Software engineering lacks tools. Building an enterprise application with Java is like building a 20-story building with only shovel.

One of those tools is a whole-system programming language with support for persistent states (that outlive one run of the application). Every time the program starts, it has to initialize all persistent states that are not already initialized. A software system is not only the program, but also the database, the files, the documentation, etc. Current programming languages focus too much on the application and not on the whole system. We need a language that can also capture the persistent states.

20.2<2019-08-23> Software engineers need better tools

We want to build a skyscraper, but all we have is a spade.

Java is too low level for making business applications.

20.3Software structural engineering


Here we transplant civil structural engineering to software structural engineering by analogy.

Both civil structural engineers and software structural engineers do capacity planning and load testing.

Civil structural engineers deal with the strength of materials, whereas software structural engineers deal with the emptying rate of queues.

The science of civil structural engineering is based on continuum mechanics, whereas the science of software structural engineering is based on queuing theory.

Material breakage is analogous to full queue.

When a civil structure fails, the building collapses. When a software structure fails, the system performance collapses: latency skyrockets and throughput drops.

Structural engineers design structures to withstand probable adversities according to cost-benefit analysis. Civil structural engineers design structures to withstand heat, wind, earthquakes, etc. Software structural engineers design systems to withstand load spikes, network disruptions, disk failures, etc. If we are building a skyscraper in an earthquake-prone region, we must seriously consider earthquakes. If we are building a system for 1,000,000 concurrent users, we must seriously consider traffic spikes, network disruptions, and other adversities. If we are merely building a system with 10,000 lines of code for 10 users, and it will stay that way for 100 years, then it is a waste of resources to bake in a grandiose architecture. If you need a shack, and it will satisfy you for 1,000 years, then perhaps don't build a skyscraper.

20.4<2019-08-20> On writing numerical algorithms for humans, and on the semantic shift of the word "computer"

We can assume that humans implement these primitive operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, exponentiation, and division, for small numbers below ten, rounding, comparison.

Any average person could execute such an algorithm, because it is unambiguous and is built on common primitive operations.

All those primitive operations also happens to be implementable in electronic computers. That is, electronic computers can do some human operations.

20.5<2019-09-04> On defining languages in other languages

There are two languages: the host language and the guest language. In linguistics, they are called the meta-language6 and the object language, respectively. For example, when we teach German to someone who only knows English, we use English as the host language and German as the guest language.

We can borrow the host language's concrete syntax, so that we can reuse read-syntax, but specify different semantics, with an interpretation function.

We can borrow the host language's semantics.

21Use computers

22Make a system for publishing this website

  • Make a system for publishing this website
    • Find an elegant parsing method
      • I am looking for the best technique for specifying formal grammars, parsing formal languages, and unparsing formal languages. Parsing is the common thing between programming language and publishing system, and I want both.
      • Generalizing division: Brzozowski quotient and set division
    • Write a Racket parser or Prolog DCG for a declarative subset of LaTeX
    • Write a Racket parser or Prolog DCG for Org Mode
    • Write a Racket/Prolog program for generating sitemap.xml
    • (I moved from Prolog to Racket.)
    • Some backward compatibility: TeX2 (semantic TeX markup)?
    • <2020-01-20> I used to like GHC/Cabal, but now I hate them because they have become bloated. I think 100 MB is too much for Pandoc.

23Politics, rants, and complaints

23.1<2019-07-06> Network Address Translation contributes to oppression

NAT is unholy: It contributes to the oppression of dissidents and journalists, because it hampers peer-to-peer technologies. It precludes peer-to-peer truly distributed Web. But P2P (peer-to-peer) over NAT may be possible with UDP/TCP/ICMP hole-punching. Require an intermediary server only for initial handshake and then the connection is "handed over".

Really no 3rd party in this NAT traversal?9

23.2On Tesla autopilot crashes

The question is: Where do they get their training data from? What are their samples? What does their training data represent?

My guess is that they have few scenarios involving trailers, if any, in their training data, because it is rather rare to encounter trailers.

23.3Bloated websites

<2019-10-30> bigthink.com, your website eats up 1.5 GB RAM in Chromium. That is unacceptably excessive if your content is just some text and images.

23.4<2018-09-19> GitHub is trying machine learning

  • I think GitHub should be like StackOverflow but for open-source codes/libraries/programs instead of questions. Prevent people from reinventing the wheel. Help people find things that already exist.
    • <2018-09-19> Google is doing a better job at what GitHub should be doing: finding existing open-source software, that does something we want, that we can reuse. It's a hard problem.
  • Towards Natural Language Semantic Code Search | GitHub Engineering
  • I think StackOverflow can use machine learning to comprehend user query and recommend related questions/answers/information.

23.5<2018-09-17> Open source Heroku/PaaS/dashboard alternative?

We don't even know what such things are called.

Google search "open source heroku clone".

As usual, there are too many open source options.

23.6<2019-08-20> Decentralized routing? Replacement to phone numbers?

How to keep in touch with public key cryptography without phone numbers:

Key idea: To use public key as mailbox address, and to use gossip to spread.

Everyone has a key pair.

Suppose Alice wants to send message M to Bob.

Alice encrypts M with Bob's public key, into E.

Alice broadcasts E to all her friends (a friend is a node she knows).

Her friends broadcast E to all their friends who have not yet received E.


What about mesh networks? How do we install routers at our neighbors' homes?

23.7<2019-07-06> AWS RDS automated backup doesn't always work

AWS RDS PostgreSQL point-in-time recovery (PITR) does not always work.

The error message is only the phrase "Incompatible-restore", and no more information. What the hell?

Always routinely test the restorability of your backups.

In a company with 50 engineers, there is one potentially business-ending accident per year, like an accidental deletion of a production database.

A good system is not designed by wishing that people are smart. Scripts have shitty user interfaces. Smart people make mistakes.

Meanwhile, accidents do happen elsewhere in the cloud.10 Joyent, Heroku, AWS, Gitlab. Accidental reboots. Accidental table droppings. Other costly software accidents are Ariane-511 and Therac-2512 (but is it really a software accident?). It's just a matter time before there is a software accident as massive as Chernobyl.

I think most software accidents can be attributed to the hubris of some humans, be it of managers, engineers, or operators, or a combination of them.



  • Doing the last work we will ever need
    • Making machines understand language
    • How do we make machines curious? How do we make them get bored?
      • We know that intelligent people get bored quickly.
        • Why shouldn't intelligent machines get bored?
          • About intelligence research
            • How can I become an AI researcher?
            • How are others' works progressing?
          • Approximating functions
            • Are all approximations truncation? Are there other approximation schemes beside series truncation? Are probabilistic approximations such as Monte Carlo approximations also truncation?

24.2latency, throughput, and port usage information for instructions on recent intel microarchitectures



Compile a Java class to an ELF native binary? Use DWARF to help reconstruct stack trace?


24.5Setting up and running a X.509 certificate authority (for TLS, for example)

Practically everyone uses OpenSSL.

What servers do we have to setup? OCSP responder?

24.5.1What software are other certificate authorities using?

24.5.2Guides of varying qualities other have written

  1. Probably helpful

  2. What

24.5.3Tools of varying qualities others have made

24.6android termux: can have bash, ssh, git, vim, emacs, and more on android

  • 2018-09-08: Too bad there is no clear way for android to charge while OTG (hosting) USB. Otherwise phones could kill netbooks.
  • 2018-09-08: a problem: can't close session with android keyboard (requires a physical keyboard plugged in via OTG USB)

24.7What is TurnKey GNU/Linux?

TurnKey GNU/Linux: 100+ free ready-to-use system images for virtual machines, the cloud, and bare metal.

25<2020-02-10> Making a search engine?

25.1<2020-02-10> Probabilistic relational model?

  • Idea:
    • Scan the character string into list of terms.
    • If term X and term Y occur in the same attention window, increase r(X,Y).
    • 16-term attention window.

25.2<2020-02-10> Existing implementations?

25.3<2020-02-10> What

26Databases? Designing databases?

What I want:

  • Simple backup: just add a node to the cluster.
  • A library linked into the application. Not a separate server.


What Datomic brings to businesses15: Interesting: inherent versioning, internally log-structured, internally append-only. My only objection: database should be a library, not a separate operating system process.


Database design boils down to these questions:

  • how do we store (arrange, lay out) data on disk?
  • how do we make the database replicate automatically just by adding a node to a cluster? etcd?

Why do we store data? Because we will need it later.

  • accounting
  • As a person, I don't need convenience store receipts. But a company needs them for accounting.

The stored data has to be findable/discoverable/rediscoverable.

27Messy article seeds

27.1Linear logic and garbage collection

27.2<2019-11-27> Some hints from Norvig's PAIP

Some of the hints from Norvig's PAIP17 is still relevant:

  • "#8 Whenever you develop a complex data structure, develop a corresponding consistency checker. (p. 90)"
  • "#22 We can write a compiler as a set of macros. (p. 277)"
  • "#28 Prolog is similar to Lisp on the main points. (p. 381)"

I can attest to this. I wrote Prolog interpreters and Racket macros, and they feel quite similar; Prolog clauses and Racket match clauses feel similar.

  • "#52 A word to the wise: don't get carried away with macros. (p. 855)" Indeed, don't get carried away with anything.

27.3<2019-11-07> Digression: Modeling is common to physics and programming

Physics is about modeling reality.

Programming is about modeling computers and reality.

27.4Make machine work more?

These old contents should be rewritten.

27.4.1Improve machine intelligence

  • Find how to make machine understand causation, in principle; find the theory
    • See also: causation in file:program.html
    • How do we make a machine that understands causation?
      • "Causal Cognition in Human and Nonhuman Animals: A Comparative, Critical Review", 200718
      • "Causal Reasoning in Rats", 200619
      • "Causal knowledge in animals", 1995
      • Understand reality, the world, the Universe
  • Demonstrate that a machine understands causation
    • How do we know whether X understands causation?

27.4.2Multiply software engineer productivity by 20?

27.5"Computer science" should be renamed


Our "computer science" label has misled people into thinking that we can fix their computers.

Although the first computer scientists did study computers, computer scientists now don't study computers anymore because software has grown too big; now computer scientists study mostly software, and the hardware is supposed to be studied by computer engineers.

A honestly-named computer-science student should study both hardware and software because a computer has a hardware part and a software part, But, in fact, a computer-science student studies much more software than hardware, and will often work with software while taking hardware for granted in their jobs.

Perhaps universities should also merge law departments and computer science departments into software departments.

On second thought, perhaps we should not call ourselves "software scientists" because we don't even know what software is. Perhaps we should just call ourselves "computer programmers".

27.6On the P vs NP problem?

  • On the P vs NP problem
    • Computing Research Group: define computation
      • Logic? Should we rewrite this article from theory-oriented to programming-oriented?

27.7<2019-11-27> DrRacket software archeology

What can DrRacket browser do? Can it render some static HTML?

Ask in the mailing list?

How does DrRacket find the Scribble documentation URL for a syntax-object?

The entry point is in drracket/drracket.rkt.

27.8Models, meta-models, and ontologies?

2006 article "On Relationships among Models, Meta Models and Ontologies" http://dsmforum.org/events/DSM06/Papers/14-saeki.pdf

2007 presentation "Models versus Ontologies - What's the Difference and where does it Matter?" http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~bxb/news/Colin.pdf

2006 article "On the Relationship of Ontologies and Models" https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/07d3/0822dd03a46bf25131baa0b72007df6d0e27.pdf

2004 article "How Models Are Used to Represent Reality" http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

27.9Causal inference and machine learning?

  • Judea Pearl 2018 article "Theoretical Impediments to Machine Learning With Seven Sparks from the Causal Revolution" summarizes

seven tasks that causal modeling can do but current machine learning can't. https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.04016

It would be interesting to combine Schmidhuber et al.'s algorithmic probability/universal intelligence and Pearl et al.'s causal modeling.

27.10Can we make memory a compressible resource?

Yes, by indirection, but it requires change in the programming language level, and not in the operating system level.

struct mblk {
    // Assume 4-byte alignment; bitwise-and by -4 before dereferencing the pointer.
    uintptr_t ptr_and_flags; // pointer, GC pin flag, GC mark flag

// Rewrite
void* ptr = malloc(size);
// to
mblk_id ptr = machine_alloc(&state, size);

// Rewrite
T* ptr;
T val;
val = *(ptr+offset);
*(ptr+offset) = val;
// to
mblk_id ptr;
T val;
machine_read(&state, ptr, offset*sizeof(T), &val);
machine_write(&state, ptr, offset*sizeof(T), &val);

Then, forbid casting between pointers and integers. Or, auto-pin such cast pointers.

27.11Self-composable programming?

27.12Generate REST API from database

27.13Software and law

Creating a law without caring about how it will be enforced is like creating a program without caring about how it will be executed. The result: both the nation and the machine feel slow.


Perhaps the theory of how to make reliable software on unreliable hardware can be applied to how to make laws on unreliable governments. The primary means of achieving that is redundancy. Perhaps there should be three independent governments executing in lockstep.


[1] Barrett, D.J. et al. 1996. Automated support for seamless interoperability in polylingual software systems. ACM. url: <http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=>.

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  2. https://www.etymonline.com/word/error

  3. http://joeduffyblog.com/2015/11/03/blogging-about-midori/

  4. http://joeduffyblog.com/2016/02/07/the-error-model/

  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symmetric_difference

  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metalanguage

  7. http://leoeditor.com

  8. http://akkartik.name/post/literate-programming

  9. https://github.com/samyk/pwnat

  10. GOTO 2017 • Debugging Under Fire: Keep your Head when Systems have Lost their Mind • Bryan Cantrill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30jNsCVLpAE

  11. https://iansommerville.com/software-engineering-book/case-studies/ariane5/

  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therac-25

  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC295d3V9gE

  14. http://www.rntz.net/datafun/

  15. https://medium.com/@val.vvalval/what-datomic-brings-to-businesses-e2238a568e1c

  16. https://augustl.com/blog/2018/datomic_look_at_all_the_things_i_am_not_doing/

  17. https://norvig.com/Lisp-retro.html

  18. http://derekcpenn.com/Penn_2007-Causal_Cognition_in_Human_and_Nonhuman_Animals.pdf

  19. https://www.psych.uni-goettingen.de/de/cognition/publikationen-dateien-waldmann/2006_science.pdf

  20. I desire more than Will Crichton; I do not want to add annotations to the original code http://willcrichton.net/notes/the-coming-age-of-the-polyglot-programmer/