Enterprise software engineering with ontologies, models, meta-models, and Prolog
- 1Motivation(919w~5m)
- 2Organic growing, gradualism, development(660w~4m)
- 3Ontology engineering(1118w~6m)
- 4Ontology of concepts(876w~5m)
- 5Our mental models of software systems(1223w~7m)
- 6Key ideas(656w~4m)
- 7Realizing the ideas in Prolog(580w~3m)
- 8Existing systems(264w~2m)
- 9Literature study(297w~2m)
- 10What mess?(822w~5m)
- 1.1Backstory(220w~2m)
- 1.2<2019-03-24> Answering Ridwan(261w~2m)
- 1.3<2019-03-27> Answering Ridwan 2(342w~2m)
- 1.4Maniac marketing materials(99w~1m)
I think I may have a way to be a 30x engineer, or this might just be another manic episode of mine. The idea is to use Prolog to model enterprise software systems and to transform those models into complete full-stack working code. In my dream, the programmer writes many lines of Prolog and zero lines of Java, which is now like Assembly: translated from a higher-level language. Software engineering labor is now specialized into infrastructure engineer (language designer, software architect) and suprastructure engineer (language user, business programmer, system analyst), instead of back-end engineer and front-end engineer. Software architect now designs formal models and formal ontologies instead of drawing fragile charts ignored by machines.
What is an enterprise application? Mostly information systems1.
I see some similarities among enterprise applications.
What is the problem with our current approaches of building enterprise applications? Java is too low level. Java's ontology is not how we think about abstract objects. Methods are not philosophically sound abstractions. One problem is that Java doesn't know SQL: Every SQL query is just a Java string. SQL queries have a structure. They have syntax and semantics. They are not mere strings.
Now, I need to get down to reality, and see how much of that dream can be realized.
Using Prolog to extract data and logic from legacy systems?
Using Prolog to specify refactoring?
1.2<2019-03-24> Answering Ridwan
Ridwan2 asked, "I'm intrigued on what you said about 30x developer efficiency with prolog, even 10x developer is somewhat considered a myth. So how is it even?"
It's not a myth. There are a few 1,000,000x engineers. Examples are the people who built things like Google and StackOverflow. Someone who can make 500,000 engineers twice as productive is a 1,000,000x engineer. If there are 1,000,000x engineers, then there must be more 30x engineers, because it should be easier to be a 30x engineer than to be a 1,000,000x engineer.
The key idea of this Prolog stuff is simple, and is not new:
- Formalize the end-user's mental model in Prolog.
- Write model transformations in Prolog.
- Generate a full-stack web application (Java + JavaScript + HTTP + HTML + SQL).
An example model transformation: "If class C has property named P of type T, then Java class entity(C) has field named P of type JT." Such model transformation can be written as a Prolog rule (a Horn clause) like this:
java_class_field(entity(C), P, JT) :-
class_property_type(C, P, T),
type_javatype(T, JT).
Model-driven engineering tools already exist. An example is Eclipse's EMF, but it is limited to modeling only structure and not behavior. Another example that does model behavior is fUML+Alf.
The 30x is an asymptote. It is only true when you have to make many instances of the same class of apps.
Let N be the number of similar applications you have to make. Which would you rather write:
- N * 30,000 lines of Java
- 10,000 + N * 1,000 lines of Prolog
The limit of 30000n / (10000 + 1000n) as n grows unbounded is 30. That is where the 30x come from.
1.3<2019-03-27> Answering Ridwan 2
Thanks for letting me know! I was referring to the developer efficiency per se, if it's the result then a founder would be Inf.x engineer, without which the end product would be 0. Looks like it needs to have multiple apps and some degree of similarity between them, I thought it was generally available, I could learn the trick and convince my boss I'm 30x thus entitled to be paid 30x as much. :grin: ( or work with 30 bosses at a same time if it sounds less crazier )
Or you can do 1/30x as much as you are doing now. :) Just kidding. (Not really.)
Usually a company, even a software house, specializes itself to making similar software. Is this not applicable to your company? How many kinds of software do you make?
> I have little to none experience with that kind of modeling tools
Neither do I. This may just be another manic episode of mine. Usually once a year I embark on a moonshot project that eventually fails. But I think this one is achievable.
This Prolog stuff is slightly more sophisticated than scaffolding/generator/snippet which is mostly text template based on string substitution. This Prolog stuff has some understanding of the source code and does more than string concatenation. It even does some local-variable type inference. You can add local variable type inference to Java in Prolog. You don't have to wait for Java 3000 to come out. (Warning: I am not satisfied with this, and I don't expect people to spend much effort reading this.)
That code is for the language designer.
The programmer (the language user) is expected to specify the application like this (entity-relationship modeling + high-level procedural language):
- https://github.com/edom/work/blob/master/software/enterprise/spec/accounting.pro#L108-L128
- https://github.com/edom/work/tree/master/software/enterprise/spec/include
Then we work on making Prolog translate that into a full-stack Java web application. With Prolog, you can say to the computer things like:
- Each entity Something produces a Java class SomethingEntity.
- Each entity attribute produces a field in the corresponding Java class.
- Each procedure produces 1 HTTP GET page and 1 HTTP POST page.
- Each procedure input produces a HTML form input control.
1.4Maniac marketing materials
(This may not be true.)
Let N be the number of enterprise applications you have to make. Which would you rather write:
- N * 30,000 lines of Java
- 10,000 + N * 3,000 lines of Prolog
That is, do you fear being asymptotically 10 times more productive? Do you fear success?
Your favorite shiny framework is just a faster horse. You need a car that is model-driven software engineering in Prolog. This is a real car, not just another faster-horse framework.
We write software to help others do their jobs. Why don't we write software to help us do our jobs (write software)?
2Organic growing, gradualism, development
Software seems to evolve according to punctuated equilibrium: Most of the time it is stable, with occasional massive-but-swift changes.
- 2.1Mixing bottom-up and top-down(172w~1m)
- 2.2Gradual development/refinement/growing of models and ontologies(468w~3m)
2.1Mixing bottom-up and top-down
There are two ways to something complex (that is pretty much anything): bottom-up and top-down.
There are two ways to design an ontology or a software: bottom-up (gradual abstraction) and top-down (gradual concretion).
The advantages of bottom-up:
- The abstraction has been proven to be useful and necessary.
- Program development can start early, feedback is immediate, psychological reward, user can try system.
The advantage of top-down is philosophical soundness. The disadvantage of top-down is that it is prone to creating over-engineered abstractions.
There are two camps in programming: the bottom-up camp and the top-down camp.
The bottom-up camp starts from machines and goes up toward mathematics. This camp produces Assembly, Fortran, Cobol, Pascal, C, C++, Go. This camp produced fast but ugly implementations. Haphazard incremental improvements.
The top-down camp starts from mathematics and goes down toward machines. This camp produces Lisp, Scheme, Prolog, ML, Ocaml, Haskell, Coq, Idris, Agda, Lean. This camp produced elegant but slow implementations. Big design up front.
They seem to be converging to a middle ground: ugly and slow.
Why can't we get fast and elegant?
2.2Gradual development/refinement/growing of models and ontologies
Here we try to build ontologies by gradually adding constructs and thus gradually increasing expressiveness. This gradualism imitates van Roy & Haridi 2004 [16], but this is about ontologies instead of computation models. Adding more constructs increases expressivity but decreases reasonability.
We try to create the simplest possible model/vocabulary to capture/describe some simple facts about the world, and then gradually refine the model.
We gradually add competency questions with increasing complexities.
Increasing expressiveness:
- propositional logic
- first-order predicate logic
- classes and properties; instantiation
- entities and relationships = classes and properties + relationships
- subclassing, subtyping, subsumption?
- upper ontologies
Propositional logic is used in simple logic circuits. Microwave door interlock. Vending machine coin change. Air conditioner remote control.
microwave_is_on :- door_is_closed, button_is_down.
The limit is that one proposition can only model one entity (one thing, one object).
nat(s(A)) :- nat(A).
In propositional logic we would need an infinite number of propositions that correspond to the ground terms satisfying nat/1.
% ...
At the most trivial level, some things exist. The following Prolog program models reality, in the sense that there is an interpretation of exist/0 that is true in reality; for example, we may interpret exist/0 to mean "we exist".
It is easy to model the static existence of timeless abstract objects. We just add a fact for exist/1.
The next level is classes and properties. A property is a mathematical function whose domain is the set of objects and whose codomain is the set property values.
Class-property modeling is intuitive and uncontroversial. Entity-relationship is class-property plus relationship.
Parametrization (adding parameters) is one way of increasing the level of abstraction. Example:
john_eat_hamburger. % very specific: can only model one object
eat(john,hamburger). % more general: can model all eating facts
spo(john,eat,hamburger). % even more general: can model all static facts
There is a diminishing return with increasing abstraction. We want a Goldilocks abstraction: not too specific, but not too general.
class_property(employee, name).
class_property(employee, join_date).
class_property(department, name).
class_property(department, establish_date).
relationship(work_at, [employee,department]).
person_name(john, "John Doe").
person_website(john, "https://example.invalid/").
person_email(john, "john@example.invalid").
The database is in 6NF. The advantage is extensibility: this representation simplifies adding new properties, be it derived or not: we just add a predicate.
Its weakness is its repetitiveness: we have to repeat the person_ prefix and the surrogate key john
person_proplist(john, [
name-"John Doe"
, website-"https://example.invalid/"
, email-"john@example.invalid"
person_name(P, V) :- person_proplist(P, L), member(name-V, L).
person_website(P, V) :- person_proplist(P, L), member(website-V, L).
person_email(P, V) :- person_proplist(P, L), member(email-V, L).
But that has two problems:
- That cannot express the cardinality34 of relations.
- That cannot express the type of property values, but we can add class_property_type/3.
SQL implements some cardinality constraints with unique indexes. A property translates to an SQL column. An entity translates to an SQL table with a surrogate primary key. A relationship of arity N translates to an SQL table with N columns, each a foreign key to the corresponding entity table.
But what are the cardinalities of high-arity relations?
There are two problems:
- What exist?
- How do we talk about what exists? What language should we use?
Skeletons and shells [14]
"Ontological commitment is an agreement to consistently use a vocabulary with respect to a theory specified by an ontology" [8]
If A is a subclass of B, then every instance of A is also an instance of B.
At which level is OWL?
OWL Lite vs DL vs Full5.
What is the Bunge–Wand–Weber ontology? "BWW ontology is a generic framework for analysis and conceptualization of real world objects"
What is the Shlaer–Mellor method?
3Ontology engineering
- 3.1Introduction to ontology(248w~2m)
- 3.2Ontology engineering with competency questions(211w~2m)
- 3.3Ontology concordance; things common to many ontologies(144w~1m)
- 3.4Philosophy of abstract objects?(178w~1m)
- 3.5OWL vs Prolog?(122w~1m)
- 3.6Problem: RDF triple with non-binary predicates(10w~1m)
- 3.7Logic of lists or sequences (ordered collections)(58w~1m)
- 3.8Object-property-value encoding of collections(52w~1m)
- 3.9Ontology engineering: choosing primitive concepts(102w~1m)
3.1Introduction to ontology
For introduction to ontologies, see Marek Obitko's 2007 tutorial "Introduction to Ontologies and Semantic Web"6
Smith 2006 "Against Idiosyncrasy in Ontology Development" [13]
Slide 6: five ways to represent knowledge, from Owen Conlan's "Introduction to OWL".
Should we teach ontology design with wine examples?
Ontology Development Pitfalls7
Care has to be taken when formalizing natural language, due to polysemy (manymeaningedness). One source of confusion is the many meanings of the copula.8
One key question: What are the similarities and differences between these things: ontology, model, meta-model, data-model, language, vocabulary? Gonzales 2015 [7] compares ontologies and models. "In summary, ontologies and models have very different historical aims, which are now converging." "Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) [71]"?
Every model has a set of ontological commitments.
Ontology = axioms + vocabulary? But ontology does not have to have axioms. But what sets it apart from vocabulary then?
If ontologies enable information sharing, then how do they differ from languages?
An ontology is a knowledge-representation convention.
It is harder to name relations than non-relations. Every noun names a term. Every verb names a relation. Example: eat(john,hamburger). Thus, the convention: Verb(Noun1, …, NounN).
But that is not always desirable. We have another convention: Class1_Class2(Instance1, Instance2). Example: list_length/2.
But it is not clear. What is the meaning of person_food/2? The person likes the food? The person hates the food? The person eats the food?
I am against inflecting relation names. I am against pluralizing table names. I use infinitive-form verbs and singular nouns. But, without inflection, we may confuse commands and relations?
3.2Ontology engineering with competency questions
We shall begin to design an ontology by formulating the competency questions [11]: the questions that the ontology should be able to answer.
For example, accounting system competency questions:
- What is our balance sheet this year? (This is a lot of questions: What is our assets this year, what is our liabilities this year, etc.)
- How much profit/loss do we make this year?
- How much tax does the government expect to racketeer from me this year?
The end goal of an accounting ontology is for reporting, auditing, automation, calculation, and integration.
For example, hotel supply chain management tool competency questions:
- Should we restock property P?
- What is the current stock level at property P?
- How many rooms do property P have?
- When do we expect property P to run out of stock?
- When did a property experience stock-outs?
Ontology of opinions? Relationship between a person and an opinion: approve, disapprove, unaware, indifferent, impartial, ignorant. The sentiment of an opinion is either positive, neutral, or negative.
Ontology is not only taxonomy/classification/categorization. What is the difference between taxonomy, classification, and categorization? What is the difference between taxon, class, and category?
What is the difference between ontology and model? Ontology = model + meta-model + logic?
UEML/GEM vs OWL [9]. Enterprise software model (UEML, GEM) vs enterprise software ontology (on OWL perhaps)?
ER: Chen 1976 [2]
3.3Ontology concordance; things common to many ontologies
The Wikipedia page "Ontology components"
Many authors use different but equivalent terms. Jake Mitchell pointed out9 that there are a lot of confusing pair of terms in philosophy: sense and reference10 (Frege), signifier and signified (de Saussure), use-mention distinction, concept and object.
Synonym sets of concepts in ontology
Each list item is a synonym set.
- class, category, concept, universal
- thing, object, entity, instance, individual, particular, ground-level object
- instance of, member of, element of
- property, attribute
- relation, relationship
- classification, categorization
- name and referent11, signifier and signified (de Saussure)
- triangle of reference12, meaning triangle13, semiotic triangle
- semiotics, semiology14
- model (abstraction that ignores irrelevant details), theory
- frame-and-slot, object-and-property?
Let D be the domain of discourse. In Prolog, D is the set of all terms.
A class C is modeled by a predicate P. An individual of C is modeled by an element of D that satisfies P. This element of D is the name of the individual.
3.4Philosophy of abstract objects?
- 3.4.1What does it mean for an abstract object to exist?(158w~1m)
- 3.4.2Abstract objects, concrete consequences(18w~1m)
3.4.1What does it mean for an abstract object to exist?
Is software development applied metaphysics?1516
Theory of abstract objects17
What does it mean for a mathematical object to exist?18
It is simple to define a mathematical object.
Describability does not imply existence. Imaginability does not imply existence.
Whether anything exists depends on how we interpret "thing" and "exist". For example, if by "unicorn" we mean horned horse, and by "exist" we mean to have material existence, then no, unicorns do not exist. If by "exist" we mean to be imaginable, then yes, unicorns do exist. What is a unicorn? If we transplant a horn onto a horse, would it be a unicorn? Must a unicorn be a unicorn by birth? It is conceivable to draw unicorns. A search on the Internet produces an image in a few seconds. Does the question "Does unicorn exist?" even make sense at all? Can everybody agree on what a unicorn is and what existence is? What is existence?19
3.4.2Abstract objects, concrete consequences
Ranking algorithms have real consequences. Algorithms impose onto everyone the value system of the programmers.
3.5OWL vs Prolog?
We shall concern ourselves with the Primer20 and not the other documents21 for implementors.
It is straightforward to translate the Functional-style syntax examples in OWL 2 Primer to Prolog.
OWL and Prolog differs in open vs closed world.
OWL assumes open world:
- If \(p\) is provable, then \(p\) is true.
- If \(\neg p\) is provable, then \(p\) is false.
- If neither of \(p\) or \(\neg p\) is provable, then \(p\) is possible (unknown).
Prolog assumes closed world:
- If \(p\) is provable, then \(p\) is true.
- If \(p\) is not provable, then \(p\) is false.
We can use closed-world assumption in our enterprise software model. If a class is not modeled in the Prolog, then it will not be in the generated Java source code.
an example of second-order reasoning in OWL22
3.6Problem: RDF triple with non-binary predicates
Unary, ternary, n-ary Intransitive verbs
3.7Logic of lists or sequences (ordered collections)
Suppose that we want to write a Prolog knowledge base that models the sequence [a,b,c].
With numbers, it is easy to model an ordered collection. We can piggyback on the natural ordering of the numbers.
list(1, a).
list(2, b).
list(3, c).
Without numbers, it is harder to model an ordered collection. This only works for finite sequences.
lt0(a, b).
lt0(b, c).
lt(A, C) :- lt0(A, B), lt(B, C).
"Representing Order in RDF"23
3.8Object-property-value encoding of collections
set, bag, sequence/tuple/list
Ordered/unordered Unique/non-unique
A set contains zero or more unique elements. Each member of the set occurs exactly once in the set.
opv(myset, element, 1).
opv(myset, element, 2).
opv(mybag, element, 1).
opv(mybag, element, 1).
% or this element-Count?
opv(mybag, element-2, 1).
List mylist
contains element 10 at position 1. The phrase "at position 1" explains the predicate "contain". Thus the sentence parses as the subject-predicate-object triple spo(mylist, contain_at(1), 10)
% mylist = [1,2,3]; element-Position
opv(mylist, element-1, 10). % mylist[1] = 10
opv(mylist, element-2, 20). % mylist[2] = 20
opv(mylist, element-3, 30). % mylist[3] = 30
3.9Ontology engineering: choosing primitive concepts
Suppose that we are designing a genealogy database. Which predicate should be chosen as a primitive: father/2 or parent/2? We also want our database to handle transsexuals and inbreeders. Suppose that these happened:
- In 2000, X fathers a son Y.
- In 2010, X changes sex to female.
- In 2020, X has sex with his son Y and begets Z.
Thus we have this database in which a person can be both a father and a mother:
Thus X is both the mother of Z (because X gives birth to Z) and a grandfather of Z (because Y fathers Z and X fathers Y).
4Ontology of concepts
- 4.1Is this an epiphany, or am I just batshit insane?(456w~3m)
- 4.2Describing existence with classes and individuals(157w~1m)
- 4.3Problem: Property cardinality/multiplicity(31w~1m)
- 4.4Objects vs values(28w~1m)
- 4.5Properties (extrinsic properties)(93w~1m)
- 4.6Triples(11w~1m)
- 4.7Object-role modeling(6w~1m)
- 4.8Logic of concepts(99w~1m)
4.1Is this an epiphany, or am I just batshit insane?
How do we think of ideas, concepts, and other abstract objects?
What is a duck? We call each of these a "duck":
- a natural biological animal that is the tangible quacking duck that can peck you if you disturb it
- such duck that has been painted to make it look like a chicken
- cartoon characters such as Donald Duck
- a man wearing a duck costume
- a vivid photo of such duck
- an ugly drawing of such duck
- a mechanical robot duck
- a cooked duck meat
Thus, a "duck" is not an animal, but an idea, a concept, whose meaning depends on the context in which it is said.
Reification fallacy is the error of conflating a thing and a representation of that thing.24 René Magritte's painting "The treachery of images"25 points out reification fallacy. But if we strictly avoid reification fallacy for casual conversation, we are going to annoy the hell out of people, and nobody is going to talk to us anymore.
A picture of a duck is not a duck. But we often conflate them. The picture depicts a duck. The picture is not a duck.
But what the hell is a duck? Can't we know anything at all!?
Reification fallacy is rampant (or perhaps inavoidable) in mathematics. For example, which are the natural numbers: 0,1,2; or z,sz,ssz? Neither. Those are only representations of natural numbers. The essence of natural numbers is succession:
- There exists exactly one natural number that is not the successor of any other natural numbers.
- The successor of a natural number is another natural number.
But it is shorter to say "Let 0 be a natural number" than "Let 0 represent a natural number", and the writer actually means the latter while writing the former, and the reader implicitly understands that.
Is a function a tuple, or does the tuple represent the function?
2001, "How we confuse symbols and things" https://arachnoid.com/lutusp/symbols.html
- The representation is not the thing.
- The model is not the reality.
- The map is not the territory.
- The ceremony is not the faith.
- The uniform is not the power.
- The money is not the wealth.
- The manliness is not the man.
- The marriage is not the relationship.
- The speech is not the thought.
- The publication is not the science.
- The school is not the education.
According to "Ontology of Mathematics"26: "A good introductory survey is Horsten 2008. A readable introduction to philosophy of mathematics is Shapiro 2000. A nice, albeit somewhat biased survey of ontological options can be found in the first few chapters of Chihara 1990. A very nice introduction to the development of foundations of mathematics and the interaction between foundations, epistemology and ontology of mathematics is Giaquinto 2002."
Light is neither particle nor wave. Light may behave like particle. Light may behave like wave. It is categorically impossible for something to be both a particle and a wave.
4.2Describing existence with classes and individuals
At least we have to describe the things that exist.
An entity is something that has identity. Every entity is distinguishable from other entities.
Classes and instances; universals and particulars; and properties
Classes and instances are also called universals and particulars. But "universals" sometimes mean "properties"?
We group things into classes because we want to uniformly treat every instance of the class. Which is more important, that two things are similar in essence, or that two things can be used for the same purpose?
IF class C has property P of type T, AND I instance of C, AND the P of I is V, THEN V instance of T.
instance_property_value(I, P, V) :-
instance_class(I, C),
class_property(C, P, T),
instance_class(V, T).
Example: the color of a car.
class_property_type(car, color, color).
instance_class(john, car).
instance_property_value(john, color, red).
instance_class(mary, car).
instance_property_value(mary, color, blue).
class_instance(color, red).
class_instance(color, green).
class_instance(color, blue).
The individuals are more real than the classes. The classes are abstract. They are only in our minds. The individuals have a chance of being real, of having a material existence. An individual may be concrete or abstract. A class it's definitely abstract.
4.3Problem: Property cardinality/multiplicity
What is the color of a zebra? Does a zebra have one or two colors? It is incomplete to say "a zebra has black color", but is it false?
% this?
opv(my_zebra, color, black).
opv(my_zebra, color, white).
% or this?
opv(my_zebra, color, [black,white]).
4.4Objects vs values
An object has identity. Two objects may have the same properties, but if their ObjectId differs, then they are not identical.
A value does not have identity.
4.5Properties (extrinsic properties)
A property of an entity is something that makes the entity what it is.
In software modeling, properties are usually extrinsic properties.
An extrinsic property of an entity is something we give to the entity, not something that comes with the entity.
Examples of properties:
- The name of a person is an extrinsic property. Changing his name doesn't change what I think of him.
- The name of a hotel is an extrinsic property. Changing the hotel's name does not change my willingness to stay in it.
A property is a function from entity E to value V.
Similar concepts:
- subject-predicate-object in Semantic-Web RDF
- object-property-value in philosophical ontology
- entity-attribute-value in computer programming
4.7Object-role modeling
Should we care about attribute-freeness?
4.8Logic of concepts
A concept is modeled by a unary predicate in first-order logic. Thus a concept is also modeled by a set.
Concept \(P\) generalizes concept \(Q\) iff \(\forall x (P(x) \to Q(x))\), that is, if \( P \supseteq Q \).
Concept \(P\) specializes concept \(Q\) iff \(Q\) generalizes \(P\).
Because there is a relation between logic and algebra, concept logic gives rise to concept algebra. For example, \(D + C\) may mean "duck or chicken or both".
Wang 2008 [17] defines a concept as a more complex algebraic structure than a simple predicate, perhaps because the meaning of an utterance depends on context.
5Our mental models of software systems
- 5.1Software system as structure plus behavior(16w~1m)
- 5.2Tool usage mental model(176w~1m)
- 5.3The end-user's mental model(965w~5m)
- 5.4Statics and dynamics; structure and behavior(64w~1m)
5.1Software system as structure plus behavior
Software system = structure + behavior
Structure is static. Behavior is dynamic.
5.2Tool usage mental model
The end users see software systems as tools. How do we use tools? How do we understand how to use tools?
Using a tool requires some minimum knowledge, in which any extra knowledge beyond that does not help. For example, we have to know some naïve physics27 in order to use a hammer, and for that, any extra knowledge does not help: hammer manufacture, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, chemistry, quantum mechanics.
There is a minimum amount of knowledge required to use a software system. The user has to understand how to use computers, how to use devices such as keyboards and mice, how to use operating systems and browsers, and so on. We take these for granted, but these are a lot.
When we use a tool, we form a mental model of the tool in which the tool temporarily becomes a part of our self. When we are driving a car, we have some idea about the physical extent of the car; we think of the car as if it were a limb of our body.
5.3The end-user's mental model
What do we think an information system or an enterprise application does? "It does accounting" is a vague answer.
The users think of a software system as:
- the set of things that exist in the system
- the actions that can be done with the system
- the set of the possible interactions with the system
- a set of possible queries and commands
"If I click this button, the system saves this data. If I click that button, the system recalls the data I saved earlier."
The user's mental model is imperative/procedural.
The mental model of a software user is the same as that of a machine operator or car driver or hammer user or any other tool user.
We classify things all the time. I think, early in our evolution we classify things into two: those that help us survive, and those that do not. We classify things into food and non-food, kin and non-kin, insider and outsider, and so on.
Every adjective divides the world into two: the set of things that satisfy it, and the set of things that don't.
For example, everyone agrees that profit is income minus expenses. But not everyone agrees on what income is.
UML can express cardinality constraints, but only 1:1, 1:N, N:1, and M:N are implementable in SQL. But that is no problem. Zero, one, or infinity.28
What is the users' practical philosophy, mental model, and ontological commitments?
The users know their goals, but they don't know how to interact with the software system to achieve those goals.
The users have an ontology, although they may not be aware that it is called "ontology". The users have a mental model of what classes and individuals exist in the software system. The users have an idea about what the software system knows and what it does not. The users apply their theory of mind29 to the software system. They may be thinking in terms of classes, properties, and individuals. They may be thinking in terms of objects, properties, and values. They may be thinking in terms of entities and relationships30. Which is the users' mental model: object-property-value, entity-relationship, or something else?
The users believe that pressing the "Save" button will cause the system to "remember" something. Thus the users think of a software system as a combination of memory and rules.
We readily think in classes. We readily categorize things.
What is a layperson's ontology?
For example, what is a chair? The answer depends on what problem we are trying to solve.
- A chair is something we can sit on? But we can also sit on the floor.
- A chair has four legs? But a chair may also have three legs.
- Must a chair have back rest?
A chair has two essential aspects: sittability and back rest. Thus a chair is something that a human can sit on and rest his/her back.
A general ontology is too cumbersome for developing enterprise software. An overkill. Excessive. Lots of unused expressiveness.
For developing machine-helps-human enterprise software, the ontology implied by Java and EMF is too poor, and a general ontology such as SUMO is too rich.
A software system is a subsystem of the bigger supersystem that includes the software, the user, and the interaction between them. Should model-driven development also model the user?
There are two kinds of enterprise software systems:
- those that help humans
- those that replace humans
The ontology should enable these:
- generate Java+SQL+HTTP+HTML+JavaScript application, with the behavior and GUI; programmer writes Prolog and zero lines of Java
- draw what graphics about the system?
Objects have identity.
How do software users think about what exists? What is their mental model?
How does the user think about a web application? Teleologically. A stateful system. A rigid assistant. What can the user do with it.
Software users assume that abstract objects exist when they are using the software31. Software users suspend their disbeliefs32 as long as they are using the software. Gamers suspend their disbeliefs while they are playing. Of course we know that an email does not have to have material existence. But we also know that our reaction to emails is real, and thus emails can have real effects.
For example, consider email provider.
- A mail exists.
- A mail may have replies.
How do business users think of what exists? What is their implicit ontology?
Example statements:
- Positing the existence of ideal objects, declaring by fiat:
- There exists a concept of employees.
- There exists a concept of departments.
- Declaring that an object belongs to a class:
- "John" is an employee.
- "Engineering" is a department.
- Declaring that a class has an attribute:
- An employee has a name.
- A department has a name.
- Declaring relationships:
- An employee belongs to a department.
- A department contains several employees.
- Specifying an attribute:
- The name of an account is a character string.
- Constraints
- Prices should not be negative.
- Some people should not have access to something.
May an attribute have an independent existence from the object that has that attribute? This is the "problem of universals".
Kinds of relations:
- A is detailed by B iff B cannot exist independently of A
spo(each(employee), has(1), name).
spo(property(employee,name), is_a, string).
spo(property(employee,name), max_byte_count, 16).
concept_attribute_type(employee, name, #string).
The user thinks that, for each class, the system knows a set of individuals of such classes. For example, there is an implicit set of employees known by the system.
Computerizing the process does not change the user's ontology. The user has the same ontology, regardless of whether the accounting is done by hand or by machine. The business process has existed before computerization.
The user thinks that an accounting transaction is one object. The computer stores an accounting transaction as several rows in a table. The user expects to input a transaction in one HTTP request. The user does not expect to submit each part of the transaction separately. SQL conflates aggregation, composition, and what? SQL conflates mereology and relationship? SQL conflates whether one X is related to many Y and whether one X consists of many Y. SQL conflates relationship and composition. But we have nullable foreign keys to distinguish between association, aggregation, and composition? Aggregation vs composition: In aggregation, the children can exist independently of the parent. Not so in composition.33
5.4Statics and dynamics; structure and behavior
Models of a software system can be divided into two groups:
- structural model,
- behavioral model.
The type system/checking is software statics and the code is the software dynamics.
There are the statics and the dynamics of a software system, like branches of mechanics in physics.
Class-property model. Entity-relationship model.
Synonyms: class, category, concept
Synonyms: object, thing, entity
Synonyms: property34, attribute35
What is a concept?36
Turner 2007 [15], programming-language ontology.
6Key ideas
- 6.1Common enterprise operations(10w~1m)
- 6.2Model transformation as Horn clauses(51w~1m)
- 6.3Total code generation from model/ontology(100w~1m)
- 6.4Unifying several closely-related subfields(30w~1m)
- 6.5The human aspects of the envisioned usage: infrastructure engineers and suprastructure engineers(77w~1m)
- 6.6Presentation is accidental complexity(129w~1m)
- 6.7Bottom-up vs top-down(37w~1m)
- 6.8Make restart cheap, and restart on error(8w~1m)
- 6.9An UX research topic: Does the user's native language sentence structure affect the perceived navigability of the system?(221w~2m)
6.1Common enterprise operations
All enterprises deal with accounting, payroll, and taxes.
6.2Model transformation as Horn clauses
Model transformation is a Prolog module (a set of Horn clauses).
The idea is to represent a model transformation as a set of Horn clauses in Prolog. For example, we state that "There is a Java class for each SQL table" as:
java_class(sql_dto(T)) :- sql_table(T).
A more general way to write that:
% opv = object-property-value
object(java_class(sql_dto(T))) :- object(sql_table(T)).
opv(java_class(sql_dto(T)), name, JavaName) :-
opv(sql_table(T), name, SqlName),
sqlname_javaname(SqlName, JavaName).
6.3Total code generation from model/ontology
We aim for total code generation from model/ontology. Not only structure (Java classes and fields), but also behavior (Java method contents). Not only the static aspects, but also the dynamic aspects. Some model-driven software development approaches such as EMF models the structure but not the behavior; thus they are not expressive enough to express all the information required to translate the model into a complete program, but only the entity classes and perhaps some validation and serialization; the engineer still has to write Java code. Some others such as fUML/ALF try to also model the behavior.
6.4Unifying several closely-related subfields
These are close. We should unify these.
- ontology engineering and model-driven software development
- database theory, logic programming, and relational programming
Database normalization theory is related to writing good logic programs.
6.5The human aspects of the envisioned usage: infrastructure engineers and suprastructure engineers
- Suprastructure software engineer (language user) captures business logic into high-level program.
- Source code should be human-readable article.
- This steps focuses on describing what things exist and the relationships between them.
- This steps focuses on modeling.
- Infrastructure software engineer (language designer) maps high-level languages to low-level languages.
- Example of low-level programming language: Java, C#, C++, C, SQL, Scheme, Lisp, Haskell.
- This steps focuses on the modeling language.
- some mention of "suprastructure" and "infrastructure" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process_architecture
6.6Presentation is accidental complexity
The essence of an interaction is the conveyed information, not the appearance. HTML is accidental complexity. An interaction is either a query or a command. A query does not change the system state. A command changes the system state. Application logic vs presentation logic. The essence is the data. The user can enumerate the finite number of things that can be done with a web application. The architecture is onion.
Suppose that an application is ported from Google Sheets to Java. What does not change? The ontology, the concepts, the formulas
A user is essentially making a remote procedure call to a web application..
A system is to help us store, retrieve, and compute information.
Presentation logic: HTTP-HTML-browser, SSH-CLI. Changing the presentation does not change the application logic at all.
6.7Bottom-up vs top-down
The bottom-up way is to start with Java and SQL, and abstract both Java and SQL into fUML/ALF or something else, etc.
The top-down way is to start with the business users' mental model, and …?
6.8Make restart cheap, and restart on error
Like Erlang.
6.9An UX research topic: Does the user's native language sentence structure affect the perceived navigability of the system?
English imperative VO: "create a new entry"
Japanese imperative OV: "new entry wo create-<suffix>"
English SVO "I put the data into the system"
German SOV "I into the system the data put"
Japanese SOV "system-into data put-<suffix>"
The website navigation that is natural for English speakers:
- create
- employee
- department
- delete
- employee
- department
The website navigation that is natural for Japanese speakers:
- employee
- create
- delete
- department
- create
- delete
The difference:
- An English speaker thinks "I need to create an employee record". The action comes before the object.
- A Japanese speaker thinks "employee record wo create suru koto wa hitsuyou ga aru" or something like that. The object comes before the action.
My hypothesis is that the user will feel that the system is more usable if the navigation sequence matches the word sequence in the user's internal phonological loop37. My hypothesis is that the user will feel less cognitive burden. But what about polyglot/multilingual users? What about a Japanese-native user who is also proficient in English?
But this is not the case. Grouping the content by topic produces the same navigation structure for both languages.
The front page should answer the question "How do I do X with this system?", where the user already knows X beforehand.
Actions that are done more often should be put nearer to the top of the page. But commands and queries should be separated.
7Realizing the ideas in Prolog
- 7.1Using Prolog for model-driven enterprise software engineering(72w~1m)
- 7.2Modeling the application in Prolog(15w~1m)
- 7.3Overview, design of the meta-programming system(94w~1m)
- 7.4Modeling a web application?(225w~2m)
- 7.5Writing enterprise web applications?(36w~1m)
- 7.6Related fields(7w~1m)
- 7.7Nonsensical models due to violation of simplifying assumption(47w~1m)
- 7.8A note on temporal modeling(27w~1m)
- 7.9Abstractions(30w~1m)
- 7.10What(32w~1m)
7.1Using Prolog for model-driven enterprise software engineering
See also file:prolog.html.
The system is being sketched at a directory in our Git repository38. This document is a sketch of that system. Not much has been implemented.
The expected workflow:
- Model the application in Prolog.
- Then transform the model into implementation. Two choices:
- Translation: Transform the model to source code in a supported language.
- Interpretation: Execute the model in Prolog.
Our program will be shortest if we can use Prolog's unprovable-means-false interpretation.
7.2Modeling the application in Prolog
Clarify the ontology first. The model follows from the ontology.
For example:
class_property(employee, name).
% ...
relation(work_at, [employee,department]).
% ...
7.3Overview, design of the meta-programming system
The easy things: Modeling static structures. A Java program corresponds to one JVM instance. A Java program is a set of source codes and dependencies. A model of a Java program is straightforward: class/1, class_package_name/2, class_name/2, class_field/2, field_name/2, field_type/2, and so on. A model of relational databases is straightforward: table/1, table_name/2, table_column/2, column_name/2, and so on.
The hard thing: abstracting both Java and SQL into ER and PAL?. ER = entity-relationship. PAL = procedural action language; similar to fUML ALF.
The even harder thing: combining them all into a coherent abstraction.
7.4Modeling a web application?
- 7.4.1Picking a modeling language(41w~1m)
- 7.4.2Example of modeling web application(182w~1m)
7.4.1Picking a modeling language
I have narrowed down:
- a relational language such as Prolog, Kanren, Mercury
- a functional language such as Haskell, Idris, Ocaml, ML
- TypeScript, Racket, Scheme, Lisp, Lua
There are too many choices. What is the semantics? What is the essence?
What is AsmL? https://cs.wmich.edu/~OODA/translate.html
7.4.2Example of modeling web application
What do we think a web application is?
What do users think? What do users care? What are the users' mental model? How can we formalize the users' mental model, and use that formal model to develop an application with less effort?
Users think of an app as a tool, like a complicated hammer:
- What was it originally invented for? What is it supposed to do? What is it usually used for? (Drive nails into wall)
- How do I use it? (Grip the hammer, and hit the nail)
- What can I use it for? (Cracking a clam open? Destroying some stuff? Killing an intruder?)
An application (a web application) maps a HTTP request to a HTTP response.
We use a Prolog atom to refer to an entity (something that is unique, has an identity, is identical only to itself, is not identical to any other entity). Thus a Prolog atom is similar to an English word, and the Prolog knowledge base gives meaning to that atom.
The formula application__sql_table(A,T)
means that application A uses SQL table T.
The formula application__page(A,P)
means the application A serves page P.
7.5Writing enterprise web applications?
7.5.1Comparison between ontology, relational programming, and database programming
Open World Assumption vs Closed World Assumption http://www.mkbergman.com/852/the-open-world-assumption-elephant-in-the-room/
How do we combine closed-world assumption (logic programming / relational database) and open-world assumption (web ontology)?
7.5.2Deductive databases and Datalog?
7.6Related fields
Formal methods, formal verification, model checking
7.7Nonsensical models due to violation of simplifying assumption
It is possible to have a record in which an employee's join date precedes the date of birth. But it is physically impossible for an employee to join the company before the employee is born. Every model has simplifying assumptions.
7.8A note on temporal modeling
cannot keep track of movement history. If it is important to keep track of employee movement, we should use employee_join_department/3
and employee_leave_department/3
The system should present the illusion that every system state is as simple as a global variable. A PostgreSQL table is modeled as a global variable whose type is list.
Formal ontology, knowledge representation, modeling an enterprise software in Prolog
Synonym set: domain of discourse, domain of interest, subject matter
Related: expert system
Zotonic's authors at least has thought about its ontology.39
Ur/Web has language-level integration?
8Existing systems
- 8.1A little history of model-driven engineering?(37w~1m)
- 8.2How standard is KIF (Knowledge Interchange Format)?(7w~1m)
- 8.3Ontologies for enterprise software systems(21w~1m)
- 8.4Existing ontologies, models, meta-models, and modeling methods(195w~1m)
- 8.5Common to all ontologies: classes and instances(7w~1m)
8.1A little history of model-driven engineering?
1989: OMG40 was founded. 1990s: OOP Method Wars. CASE tools. 1997: OMG adopted UML41. MDA42.
UML is focused on visualization for humans. UML does not have a clear formal ontology for machine translation.
8.2How standard is KIF (Knowledge Interchange Format)?
8.3Ontologies for enterprise software systems
Is there already an ontology for enterprise software systems? Fox & Grüninger 1997 [4]? Dietz 2012 [3]?
8.4Existing ontologies, models, meta-models, and modeling methods
Introduction to knowledge representation: John F. Sowa's 2011 introduction to common logic43. Compares these notations: Frege 1879, Peirce 1885, Peano 1895, Peirce 1897. They have identical semantics.
Ideally we build a lower (domain-specific) ontology on an upper ontology.
- BFO (Basic Formal Ontology) [1]
- GFO (General Formal Ontology)
- SUMO (Suggested Upper Merged Ontology)
A general ontology is meant to unify all ad-hoc ontologies. Ad-hoc ontologies are practical and convenient but limited and incompatible with each other, unless we work to define a translation between them. Rather than defining \(n^2\) mappings between \(n\) ontologies, we define \(n\) mappings, each between an ad-hoc ontology and the upper ontology.
Similar systems:
- Entity-relationship modeling
- Subject-predicate-object, RDF triple
- Object-property-value
- Entity-attribute-value44
- Category of being45
Some interesting things: OMG MOF (Meta Object Facility), fUML/ALF.
fUML: Mayerhofer 2014 [10]
Shan 2008 [12]: "Trinity PhD Simone Grassi has carried out his research to create an abstract specification of algorithms (based on a set of ontologies) as a Model Driven Platform to build software […]"
Ontology vs data model46
ClioPatria47 concise RDF triple syntax: predicate logic without XML noise.
RDF vs OWL48. Basically, RDF is like a Prolog fact, and OWL is like a Prolog Horn clause.
With Prolog syntax, we can just skip all the XML-URI shenanigans49.
8.5Common to all ontologies: classes and instances
9Literature study
- 9.1Unknown, to find out(139w~1m)
- 9.2Things that do not suit my wants(158w~1m)
9.1Unknown, to find out
- 9.1.1fUML/ALF(6w~1m)
- 9.1.2How far can Protege generate Java code?(7w~1m)
- 9.1.3Escher Systems Perfect Developer(19w~1m)
- 9.1.4There are too many tools(107w~1m)
fUML/ALF with text instead of graphics?
9.1.2How far can Protege generate Java code?
9.1.3Escher Systems Perfect Developer
I somewhat agree with this "correct-by-construction" spirit50. But the website is all marketing and no technical.
9.1.4There are too many tools
Which one is free-libre-open-source? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model-driven_engineering
Topcased and Papyrus [5].
People use an open source project if they perceives that reusing the project is cheaper than redoing it. But how can you know you can even reuse that project, if that project has no documentation? The first question of a person who is thinking about using your open-source project is: Who else uses this? Am I alone? Will shit happen? Who maintains this? If the maintainer dies or gets bored, will I be in deep shit? Can I use this as is? Can I tailor this to my needs? Will this project go against my needs?
9.2Things that do not suit my wants
EMF is limited to structure and not behavior. EMF can generate code for domain model (similar to Java bean) and validation, but not business logic. The programmer writes the business logic in Java, and EMF uses code-merging. EMF has persistence framework. EMF does not go far enough.
EMF overview51 Ecore is similar to EMOF (Essential MOF), with some small differences, mostly naming differences. "EMF does not model behavior, so the implementation must be provided by user-written Java code." Modeling dynamic behavior is harder than modeling static structure. Modeling behavior is practically creating a programming language.
This is similar to Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). The difference is: EMF leaves behavior specification to Java, but I think Java is too low-level. EMF models structure but not behavior. EMF does not go far enough.
Java is too low-level. Writing an enterprise application in Java is like teaching graduate physics using only simple sentences.
9.2.2Java EE
Mateu MDD uses Vaadin https://github.com/miguelperezcolom/mateu-mdd
10What mess?
- 10.1A type system that is an algebra of unary predicates(75w~1m)
- 10.2Software architecture of logic programs?(16w~1m)
- 10.3Some kinds of software systems(43w~1m)
- 10.4Developing software for the Web(132w~1m)
- 10.5Mathematical history?(21w~1m)
- 10.6A curious relationship(72w~1m)
- 10.7How do we model historical data in SQL?(122w~1m)
- 10.8What is the difference between ontology and metaphysics?(8w~1m)
- 10.9Globalization(340w~2m)
10.1A type system that is an algebra of unary predicates
This is just an algebra of sets.
A type can be thought of as a set. A set can be thought of as a unary predicate. A type can be thought of as a unary predicate.
\[\begin{align*} p \wedge q &= \forall a (p'(a) \wedge q'(a)) \\ p \leftarrow q &= \forall a (p'(a) \leftarrow q'(a)) \\ gt(10) &= \forall a. gt'(a,10) = \forall a. a > 10 \end{align*} \]where \(p'\) means the meaning (the unary predicate interpretation) of \(p\).
The algebra of unary predicates is analogous to the algebra of sets52: conjunction is intersection, disjunction is union, implication is subset, etc.
10.2Software architecture of logic programs?
How should logic programs be architected? Can we generate architecture from semantics?
10.3Some kinds of software systems
Some flavors of big software systems with similar characteristics and programming techniques:
- enterprise programming
- game programming
- operating-system programming, hardware programming, device driver programming
Can we build every big software with model-driven software engineering?
Operating system exists because programming languages are inadequate. Singularity operating system.
10.4Developing software for the Web
- 10.4.1The Web was not designed to be a software platform(73w~1m)
- 10.4.2TODO How do we develop enterprise web applications efficiently?(56w~1m)
10.4.1The Web was not designed to be a software platform
- The sad state of web development (not everyone agrees).
- It's time to kill the web https://blog.plan99.net/its-time-to-kill-the-web-974a9fe80c89
- from https://twitter.com/tehjh Jann Horn's Twitter
- At that time Jann Horn was a member of Google's Project Zero https://blog.plan99.net/what-should-follow-the-web-8dcbbeaccd93
- from https://twitter.com/tehjh Jann Horn's Twitter
- Why not infinite scrolling?
- Do you have an alternative to infinite scrolling?
- Do you handle network interruptions? How does the user continue scrolling after network connection is restored? Is there an unhandled exception in your script?
10.4.2TODO How do we develop enterprise web applications efficiently?
<2018-09-27> Enterprise application development is like three blind people describing an elephant.
Every team is a blind people.
The company's actual ontology is the elephant.
How do we unify enterprise systems? Should we combine subsystem ontologies to produce the actual ontology, or should we derive subsystem ontologies from the actual ontology?
10.5Mathematical history?
Gillies 2002 [6] has a concise insightful historical summary explanation of the three schools of mathematics: logicism, formalism, and intuitionism.
10.6A curious relationship
SQL schema ~ Prolog module ~ model-theory signature database theory / relational algebra ~ logic programming / relational programming
<2019-03-06> I am surprised. Database theory is surprisingly relevant to logic programming. Database normalization is surprisingly relevant to writing good Prolog code.
Suppose Prolog. From logic programming point of view, the comma can be thought of as a conjunction. From database point of view, the comma can be thought of as a join.
10.7How do we model historical data in SQL?
- Do we have to use SQL?
- Is SQL the best tool for the job?
- Does SQL do the job well enough to justify reducing maintenance costs?
- How is historical data related to audit trail?
- Audit trail encompasses historical data. Audit trail is a more stringent requirement.
- 10.7.1TODO <2018-09-19> Read(74w~1m)
10.7.1TODO <2018-09-19> Read
- database design - How to Store Historical Data - Stack Overflow
- Storing Time Series in PostgreSQL efficiently - Gregory Trubetskoy
- mysql - Best way to design a database and table to keep records of changes? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
- Database Design: A Point in Time Architecture - Simple Talk
- Time-series data: Why (and how) to use a relational database instead of NoSQL
- Where is the SQL DDL/schema?
10.8What is the difference between ontology and metaphysics?
Globalization complicates check mark.53
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also called "degree of relationship" or "multiplicity"↩