- Overview
- WP:Reverse engineering
- Knowledge Discovery Metamodel
- 2006, article, “An Overview of the State-of-The-Art Reverse Engineering Techniques”, pdf
- In reverse engineering, tools are very important.
- jsnice: statistical renaming, type inference and deobfuscation http://jsnice.org/
- Optimization is a partial inverse of obfuscation.
- Optimizer can help deobfuscate unnecessary instructions, but not renamings.
- Statistical renaming can help deobfuscate names.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_engineering#Reverse_engineering_of_protocols
- automatic online learning
- 2003, PhD thesis, “Object-Oriented Reverse Engineering: Coarse-grained, Fine-grained, and Evolutionary Software Visualization”,
backup pdf
- 2002, Diplomarbeit, “Navigation in Object-Oriented Reverse Engineering”, pdf
- Ambiguous title: The phrase “Reverse-engineering software” can mean two things:
- software that helps people do reverse-engineering
- the act of reverse-engineering a computer program (that is, software)
- Reverse-engineering and deobfuscation
- Optimization is a partial inverse of obfuscation.
- An optimizer can be used to deobfuscate.
- Let’s make a JVM bytecode optimizer in Haskell?
- Stolas / Reverse Engineering Toolkit https://gist.github.com/Stolas/173b174a1d62734540c360d8f66850d9
- https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/top-8-reverse-engineering-tools-cyber-security-professionals/#gref
- https://www.quora.com/Whats-your-best-reverse-engineering-tools-and-why
- Where does this belong: programming language research, statistics, or reverse engineering?
- JSNice: a statistical approach to program deobfuscation
- http://www.jsnice.org/
- http://www.nice2predict.org/
- https://www.sri.inf.ethz.ch/jsnice.php