1How should we judge the quality of a language?

Because the purpose of language is to communicate, a language should be judged by how much it makes communication efficient.

Let \( L \) be a language.

Let \( T \) be a proficient transmitter of \( L \).

Let \( R \) be a proficient receiver of \( L \).

\[\begin{align*} \text{quality of language \( L \)} = \frac{\text{amount of meaning communicated successfully}}{\text{effort of \( T \)} + \text{effort of \( R \)}} \end{align*} \]

But how do we measure the amount of meaning?

Secondary criteria:

  • expressivity
  • learnability (for example, English orthography sucks so bad that native English speakers have difficulty spelling English words)

One can choose to convey meaning by syntax or by vocabulary.

My hypothesis:

  • If the early speakers of a language need to communicate a concept, they will invent a word for it.
  • If the early speakers of a language need to communicate a concept very much, they will invent a syntax (a grammatical construct) for it.

For example, I think the early English speakers judged that the quantity of a noun is important and when something happens is important, so they embedded those concepts in the syntax instead of in the vocabulary. German speakers judge that the gender of nouns is important. The morphological features of a language reflects what its early speakers think is important to communicate. Hypothesis: The genders of nouns reflect the early speakers' idea of what male is and what female is.

Does it make sense to ask which one is better between English, French, German, Spanish, and Chinese? Of course anyone can contrive a criterion that puts his own language at the top position.

As someone whose first language is Indonesian and second language is English, I find it more convenient to use English for technical communication and Indonesian for jokes.

C promotes memory manipulation. Haskell promotes functional programming. Prolog promotes database and inference.

There is always a trade-off. If something is made easier, something else must be made harder. If something is encoded shorter, something else must be encoded longer. Language is like Huffman coding built into the brain.

2<2019-11-07> How do we judge or measure the quality of a programming language?

Do not confuse between a programming language and a programming language implementation (interpreters, compilers, etc.).

It seems to me that most programming language designers neglect the human–human communication aspect of programming languages.

But how does one narrate a computer program?

But how does one make machines understand English?

Should we write programs in Attempto Controlled English?

A language is judged by how it promotes (or impedes) communication, that is, by how efficiently it transfers the intentions of the writer to the reader.

An implementation is judged by its efficiency of execution, its speed, its resource usage, its faithfulness to the language it implements.

3How do we read/understand a program?

How do we construct an internal mental model of what a program does?

First we ask, what does this program do (what does it compute)? We expect one sentence that explains it.

For example, an explanation for a retail-chain's supply-chain-management program may be:

This program computes (answers the question) "Which things should be sent to which stores, in what quantity, at what time, by which route?"

4Promoting program analysis/understanding by machines?

A programming language (implementation?) should make it easy for people to write programs that read/write/analyze programs.


Is there a programming language scoring system? Should we make one?

6Rosetta Stone: comparing programs that do the same thing in different languages


7Measuring programming language quality by how easy is it to do the right thing?

What is the right thing?

By probability of error of random programs?

How do we measure the probability that a program, uniformly randomly taken from the set of all legal programs in language L, contains an error?