
1.1What is the name of that article of clothing?

Common problem: "What do you call that thing you wear?"

Clothing terminology12. As of 2018, there does not seem to be any standard ontology for clothing.3 A cloth is "any textile that is woven, felted, knit, pounded, or otherwise made into a flat piece"4.


risque means daring, but not necessarily skimpy

skimpy is about inadequacy; risque is about deliberate borderline impropriety

risque clothing



1.3What are clothing materials?

  • cotton
  • fiber
  • strand
  • thread
  • yarn
  • fabric
  • leather
  • cloth

1.4What is the difference between yarn, thread, fabric, textile, cloth?

1.5Determining when your pants rise is too low

Your pants rise is too low if any of these are true:

  • You feel your pants are cleaving your crotch.
  • Your buttcrack shows when you bend over.

1.6What should we wear?

How do we look sexy without looking cheap? How do we not look trying too hard to look sexy?

How do we project our status? Should we?

1.7How should we wear belts?

A belt should not be worn if it is not shown.

When wearing a belt, put shirts in pants, or wear short shirt.

But wearing short shirt exposes midriffs.

To accentuate waist, wear white belt on non-white pants, or black belt on non-black pants. Subtle: bright-white belt with washed-out-white pants. Belt and pants should not have the exact same color.

There is no point in wearing a belt if others cannot see it.

Belt and pants of the same color look docile/boring?


Shiny/glowy/reflective clothes show creases, contours.

1.9Why do we wear clothes?

Vsauce "Why Do We Wear Clothes?"6 vocabulary: precocious, altricial



  • To be a long-haired man is to run a social experiment.

    • Should not exist, people who

      • live in the 21th century and
      • think that men shouldn't wear long hair.
  • Some long-haired men

    • Cédric Villani, born 1973
    • Nuno Bettencourt, born 1966
    • Fabio Lanzoni, born 1959
    • Franz Liszt, born 1811
  • Grooming

    • "How to Tie Your Long Hair - For Men - The Longhairs", video, blog
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles

3Self-care, grooming, health, fitness



This is my opinion.

3.1.2Are you really having a crisis?

  1. Make sure you're well-nourished.

    Malnutrition can worsen mood.

    Eat fruit, vegetable, and meat, if they don't make you sick. Avoid too much processed food. Avoid sugar. Avoid flour. Avoid burnt food. Avoid sauces and condiments bought from supermarket. Always read ingredients and nutrition facts. If you want to snack, eat fruit, vegetable, or meat. Eat whenever you want to eat, as long as the food is healthy.

    You know you eat something with too much sugar if, an hour after eating it, your mouth tastes sour and smells bad. That's the smell of sugar-eating bacteria party.

    Appreciate hunger. Learn to love being slightly hungry. Eat attentively. Taste every inch of the food. Remember the flavor of the first bite. Observe that the second bite tastes less. Observe that the next bites tastes even less. If you can't taste it, it means you have enough.

    The first bite is joy. Then it's okay. Then it's unpleasant. Then you'd rather eat something else.

    If you want to always feel the joy of the first bite: eat the first bite, rinse/gargle your mouth with water, rest your mouth until it tastes neutral, and then eat the next bite, and repeat.

    Attentiveness can also help you quit smoking. Smoke attentively. Taste everything. Taste the bitterness. Think: do you really enjoy it? People continue to smoke because they have learned to ignore the bad taste. Normal people doesn't spontaneously seek to smoke because smoking tastes bad. It's bitter. It irritates the throat. Why the hell would anyone like to choke and cough?

  2. Exercise.

    Exercise affects mood. Exercise affects the brain.

    You don't care about weight. You want to gain muscle. You want strength and flexibility.

    Think like a kid who can't stop moving. Simply will yourself to move. Think that you love to move. You can't stop moving. You just want to move. Squat.

  3. If you're depressed, consult a health professional.

    If you have depression, especially if you have depression running in your family, consult a health professional.

    Matter affects mind. Medication changes mood.

3.1.3What is the meaning of life? Wrong question.

What do you want to do?

How do you justify your life? How do others justify your life? How do you justify others' lives?

Work simply means useful act. It isn't about employment in a company.

Work justifies its author. A deed justifies its doer. (To justify is to give a reason for existence.)

Work-life balance is self-defeating. Work justifies life. Life is work. If your work is not your life, you should find another work. If you don't know what you want to do in your whole life, you're letting others waste your life.

After one copes with nihilism, there are only two outcomes: actualization (optimistic nihilism) or suicide (pessimistic nihilism).

3.1.4Feeling is required.

Solving the crisis requires feeling. Thinking without feeling worsens the crisis.

Why work? Because not working feels weird. Try not working for one year. I did. At first, it felt liberating. After a month, it felt boring. My mistake was that I quit my job emotionally without knowing what to do next. The only right reason to quit your job is that you have something you absolutely surely want to accomplish in the rest of your life. Fleeing from your boss is not an accomplishment.

3.2How should we fight?

  • I don't know fighting. I'm not experienced in fighting.
  • Real fight

    • The opponent is non-compliant.
    • No rules, no referee, no score.
  • How to attack without being countered? How to attack without leaving weaknesses?

    • It's impossible if both combatants are equal.

      • When A attacks B in melee combat, both of them bring themselves into each other's range.
  • How to respond to attack?
  • What if the opponent is stronger, bigger, and faster?

    • Must be prepared. If one is not prepared to receive the attack, the attack will hit.
  • The best response?

    • evade and counter
    • parry/deflect and counter
    • evade
    • parry
    • accept
  • Parts of body used to attack:

    • skull, fist, nail, claw, hand, elbow, knee, feet, butt.
    • If we color the region around a human according to the maximum damage he can cause, there will be blind spots.
  • If you are close to the opponent, he cannot use his muscles to accelerate the bat he is holding, but he may bite or headbutt.
  • If you are too far or too close to the opponent, he cannot harm you.
  • Attacking a prepared opponent without being countered requires a decoy. But what if the opponent is also prepared for the decoy…
  • Fleeing is an option.
  • http://www.grapplearts.com/how-to-throw-defensive-stiff-arming-bent-over-opponents/
  • Proof That Most Knife Defense Doesn't Work • Martial Arts Journey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvT5-WeagJI

3.3How should we care for the mouth (oral health)?

4Eating, cooking, nutrition, fitness

4.1What and how should we eat?

Vsauce: We can eat human breast milk everyday and still be fine.7 Really?

4.2How should we cook eggs?


  • Eggs (chicken eggs assumed)

4.2.2Boiling eggs

For efficiency, you can boil eggs and potatoes together. Put a lid on the pot.

  1. Wash the eggs and potatoes.
  2. Submerge them under the water in the pot.
  3. Put the pot on the stove.
  4. Turn on the biggest fire.
  5. Wait until the water reaches rolling boil.
  6. Take the eggs out of the pot.
  7. Turn the fire to low, just enough to replace the heat lost by the water.
  8. Let the potatoes simmer for 25 minutes.

Boiled eggs don't dirty your hand as much as raw eggs because boiled eggs insides are solid when you crack them.

You can boil eggs, potatoes, broccoli, and other things together. The key is to take them out at different times.

4.2.3Pan-frying sunny-side-up eggs

  1. Tools

    • Non-stick pan
    • Spatula
    • Stove
  2. Procedure

    Wash the eggs you are going to cook.

    Break the eggs onto the pan. Tap an egg to a hard flat surface and let the contents drop into the pan. You can cook as many eggs as your pan can fit at once.

    Turn on the stove. Use the smallest flame. Close the pan with a lid.

    Wait until the egg white becomes opaque.

    Wait a while more until it emits an aroma.

    Wait a while more until the egg does not stick to the pan. Use a spatula to test the stickiness.

    Flip the egg with a spatula. You may need to lift and tilt the pan.

    Wait until you get the desired doneness.

    Turn off the stove.

    Eat the egg.

    Let the pan cool down for a few hours.

    Wash the pan.

4.2.4Why eggs?

Pan-frying eggs takes less than 10 minutes.

Egg is a cheap protein source. One kilogram of chicken egg contains about 130 grams of protein and costs about $2, thus about 1.53 cents per gram of protein (in Indonesia in May 2017).

4.2.5What to do with the waste?

Eggshell is rich in calcium carbonate.

I don't know what to do with the eggshell waste.

4.3How should we build muscles?

4.4What are the ideal body proportions?

4.4.1How big should thighs be in proportion to arms and torso?

4.5What is achievable without drugs?

Eugen Sandow (1867–1925) was what years old in what photo? Steroids had not been invented.


4.6Cooking, flavor networks


from "What Does Human Taste Like?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWAF9PgDg2c

Food combination/mixing/pairing theory? Teleological food theory?

False hypothesis: If I like A and I like B, then I like A and B together.

False: I like durian, and I like jackfruit. I tried eating durian and jackfruit, and I hate the taste. The sweet jackfruit tastes bitter, overpowered by durian.

Why do I find fruits more delicious raw than cooked? Why do I find vegetables more delicious cooked than raw?

Egg, salt, tofu, chili, and onion mix. But egg and durian don't mix. Why is that?

Egg is delicious. Salt is delicious. Egg+salt is more delicious than each of them.

Color-theory analog of foods

A is delicious, B is delicious, but A+B is not delicious.

A is delicious, B is delicious, and A+B is delicious.

A is delicious, B is not delicious, but A+B is delicious. Then B is a seasoning. A seasoning is not delicious on its own.

Let D(A) denotes the deliciousness of food A. Let A+B denote the food A and B mixed together.

If D(A+B) < D(A) or D(A+B) < D(B), then A and B don't mix; they are better on their own.

If D(A) + D(B) < D(A+B), then A and B mix.

If D(A) + D(B) > D(A+B), then A and B should not mix.


obesity from endocrinology perspective https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHaCKudtVi0

The Real Reason It's So Hard to Lose Weight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orh1W0sxCQI

4.8Processed food

Some processing is necessary. Raw cassava contains cyanide. We should not eat raw cassava. But most modern food is processed too much.

We define processing as a step that increases energy density of the output.

Examples of processing:

  • cooking
  • preservation, salting, curing, drying
  • hydrogenation

Every processing step increases the energy density of the food (joule per kilogram, or joule per cubic meters).

Energy density is energy per mass or energy per volume?

Dried meat is more energy-dense.

One gram of cocaine is equivalent to 370 kilograms of coca leaves. https://www.havocscope.com/amount-of-coca-leaf-needed-to-make-cocaine/

370 kilograms of anything is dangerous for any human. A human will die eating 370 kg of grass at once, drinking 370 kg of water at once, crashing into a 370 kg motorcycle at once.

When you snort a gram of cocaine, you are snorting the essence of 370 kilograms of coca leaves.

One coca leaf won't harm you, but 370 kg of coca leaves will. Snorting cocaine (purified coca leaf extract) is dangerous, because it is equivalent to snorting a forest of coca leaves.

5Posture: How should we stand, sit, squat, walk, run, move, lift, etc.?


5.2How should we walk?

  • Proper walking increases mood.
  • Hypothesis: proper walking minimizes the sum of the magnitudes of the jerks of all joints.
  • If your walk is noisy, you're jerking your joints.
  • Things to do:
    • land with the ball of the feet
    • fix the anterior pelvic tilt
    • focus on pushing the back foot, not on pulling the front foot
  • Optimal walking, cycling speeds to reduce air pollution inhalation

5.3Fighting stance in boxing

  • The weak hand is at front. The weak hand jabs. The job of the weak hand is to estimate range and to open/distract the opponent.
  • The strong hand is at back.


6Buying shoes.

My needs:

My options:

  • Self-reinforce the soles with double-tapes or FlexTape/FlexSeal/FlexShot/window glue. This risks uneven shoe heights and compensating gait which may be pathological in the long-term.
  • Repair/reinforce the current shoes at tukang sol sepatu.
  • Buy Dr Martens guaranteed shoes at GI. But what if that store goes bust? What are the terms of the guarantee? How long is the wait time? Will the replacement be the same product?
  • Buy army surplus shoes as Abdullah did.
  • Cobble my own shoes.
  • Just buy new shoes every year.
  • Buy many shoes at once, and rotate them.
  • It's safer to buy 20 pairs of average shoes than 1 pair of expensive shoes. If shit happens, you still get 19 pairs, instead of nothing at all.
  • What else?


7.1Why do we have dandruff?

Dandruff is a common condition, has been with us for quite a long time, and is not inherently harmful.

"What Actually Causes Dandruff?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIe2oerd25c

Chain of causes, from the proximate to the ultimate?

  • Inflammation causes scalp overgrowth (5 times normal speed).
  • Malassezia metabolites (fungus poop) triggers inflammation? Or is it the body's immune system overreacting?
  • Malassezia eats oil secreted by scalp.
  • What causes malassezia to exist? Is it airborne?
  • What causes the body to oversecrete oil?
  • The skin may be defective or too thin. "The defective skin barrier in AE patients, both in lesional and non-lesional skin, fails to provide sufficient protection against microbes and allergens, facilitating interactions with Malassezia and the host immune system." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3380954/
  • ? Not enough sweating. Not enough sunlight. Not enough physical exertion.

7.2Should we have pubic hairs?

7.2.1Should we have armpit hairs?

Armpit hairs or no armpit hairs? Armpit hairs look OK in the eyes, but don't look good in photos, so it's the camera's fault, not the subject's fault.

7.2.2Should we have pubic hairs?

Pubic hairs or no pubic hairs?

7.3How are skin colors classified?

8Nearsigtedness is reversible

Nearsightedness (myopia) is reversible, but it takes years, as it also takes years for the eye to take that much damage. I think Todd Becker8 writes more clearly than about D1-D2-D39 Jake Steiner1011 does, although they seem to convey the same message.

9Crooked teeth may be fixed

Crooked teeth can be fixed with orthotropics12, but it may take years, as orthodontics does anyway. The problem is that the modern human's jaw does not grow enough due to two reasons: (1) we don't chew soft modern foods as much as our ancestors chewed their hard foods, and (2) we have improper tongue posture. At first it is hard to understand what the tongue posture should be because we normally don't pay attention to our tongues, but I finally understand it. Orthotropics makes sense, but Mike Mew seems to have overstepped some boundaries unrelated to orthotropics.13 I understand that it is frustrating when you see something that others don't14, but you have to be patient, play the long game, and collect evidence.

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clothing_terminology

  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Clothing

  3. https://www.quora.com/Does-there-exist-an-ontology-standard-for-clothing-item-categories

  4. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5849500

  5. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/81/01/81/8101816566ba697a0e484de4f2551673.jpg

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4HGfagANiQ

  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVpkeBYZOrE

  8. https://gettingstronger.org/tag/myopia/

  9. Myopia: A Modern Yet Reversible Disease — Todd Becker, M.S. (AHS14) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5Efg42-Qn0

  10. https://endmyopia.org/how-to-finding-active-focus/

  11. https://endmyopia.org/trouble-finding-active-focus-screen/

  12. https://orthotropics.com/

  13. https://orthotropics.com/decision-dr-mike-mew-jonathan-sandler-british-orthodontic-society/

  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ignaz_Semmelweis&oldid=871726873