% deprecated; use TimeExp
% model theory structure
\newcommand\SetBuilder[2]{\{#1 ~|~ #2\}}
\newcommand\semantics[1]{\langle #1 \rangle}
1For beginners
- Strictly follow many recipes and cook many different things many times.
- As you advance, you will magically be able to predict tastes and create your own recipes, but until that time comes, follow proven recipes.
- Cook water.
- Reheat food.
- Cook omelette (telur dadar).
- Boil egg (telur rebus).
- Sauté vegetable (cah sayur).
- Cook beef steak.
- Cook chicken steak (boneless chicken breast).
- Steam.
2Why preheat pan (heat pan after putting in oil but before putting in food)?
- "The oil gives off visual clues telling you just when you need to start adding ingredients."